Networking Join CSA and get connected to your industry colleagues who are willing to help you with your business issues and concerns.
As a CSA member, you will have the opportunity to regularly meet and learn from people who face the same types of issues you do every day. These members have experience solving problems, be it with a state regulator or with a general contractor. Plus, they are willing to share their expertise and knowledge with you
Legislative Protection CSA sponsored legislation has resulted in a revision of many statutes that have benefited subcontractors. Victories include:
A law that help subcontractors get paid for change orders;
Lien law revisions that are more supportive of subcontractors;
Reductions in retainage, that improved the payment process;
The establishment of retainage escrow accounts; and
Revised language in hold harmless clauses that benefit subcontractors and improve bonding practices
Education CSA conducts regular educational seminars and dinner meetings that cover a variety of issues of importance to subcontractors.
Recent programs have focussed on issues relating to marijuana use, DAS work, sexual harassment, and MBE/WBE CHRO Requirements.
Online Publications CSA publishes an online membership directory and e-newsletters that keep you up-to-date on the industry and association programming.
You will be listed in the online membership directory, and receive legislative and regulatory updates on issues that can affect your bottom line.
Not only will you gain entry to the industry’s leadership, but you will also have access to advice and mentoring exclusively offered to CSA Members.
CSA’s legal counsel, Michelson, Kane, Royster & Barger, P.C., will answer quick questions for members about basic construction law topics. There is no charge, but conversations are limited to 5-10 minutes.